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Close-up of male doctor filling out a form on a clipboard
Board Certification

Dr. Halaby is Board Certified by the American Board of Surgery and is a member of the Sarasota County Medical Society, the Florida Medical Association, and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS).

Accredited Vascular Lab

Accreditation by the International Accreditation Commission (IAC) means that Dr. Halaby’s vascular lab has undergone a thorough review of the operational and technical components by a panel of experts. The IAC grants accreditation only to those facilities that are found to be providing quality patient care, in compliance with national standards through a comprehensive application process, including detailed case study reviews. IAC accreditation is the “seal of approval” that patients can rely on as an indication that the facility has been carefully critiqued on all aspects of its operations considered relevant by medical experts in the field of vascular testing

Our Location

Some simple operative procedures are performed in our office at 436 Nokomis Avenue South in Venice, FL., and at our satellite office located at 512 Nokomis Avenue South in Venice, FL. Our providers are on staff at Doctors Hospital in Sarasota, FL, Englewood Community Hospital in Englewood, FL and Shore Point Health in Port Charlotte, FL. If your procedure requires hospitalization, our staff will be happy to handle the arrangements and assist you with the necessary paperwork and authorizations.